Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Russian Spring festival

Sunday 26 of feb , was the Russian spring festival . I london they celebrated in trafalgar square , the purpose of this festival is to say goodbye to winter and started fasting from 22th for 40 days. They drinking dancing and calibrating with there colorful , beautiful traditional cloths , I went there and took some portrait from them. I found out Russian people so sweet and kind and funny, I had a really great time when I was there , the atmosphere was full of happiness and love , the family came with there children which most of them were born in UK so they want to introduce there culture to them .

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Non environmental portraits

I took this portraits in syria protest  in London, trafalgar square(12feb2012). It was the peaceful demonstration to support syria people and Middle East . I took some portraits to present they emotion during the protest .

Environmental portraits

This week assignment was environmental portrait , I found it hard in some way. I took a lot of portraits but some of them are environmental and some of them not ! The idea is about your subject say something about environment.I took This pictures in London Zoo with Jacob. Thanks to Donya for her kindness  .

Thursday, 9 February 2012